Chilemba Market Project

Aim of the Project

To provide safe water and sanitation to the busy and expanding Chilemba Market, two schools and the local community in Chingola, a mining town in North East Zambia.

Zambia Institute of Environmental Heath
The project was managed by
The Zambia Institute of Environmental Heath.

What we did

  • Drilled a borehole and erected a water tower.
  • Built a water kiosk for market traders and local people to collect their water for a minimal fee.
  • Installed pipes to existing toilet blocks at the market and to the two community primary schools nearby. (There are many orphans and children of market traders at the schools).
  • Constructed wash stands and stand pipes outside the schools providing safe water for drinking and keeping the schools clean.

What were the outcomes

The only water supply before this Water for Kids project was a shallow well with contaminated water. Now safe water, toilets and washing facilities are available for:

  • 1000 market traders
  • over 1000 school pupils
  • people living nearby.
Chilemba market