

Aim of the Project

To reduce the incidents of water-borne disease in Obira. The objectives were to deliver improved latrines to individual households and to provide safe water and hand washing training, thus improving sanitation and hygiene.

*Obira in 2017 was a village with a population of 1,360 people (170 households) located within Nawanyingi sub-county of Iganga District in Eastern Uganda. In April 2019, WfK returned to Obira. It is estimated that the population has grown to 1,600 people (200 households).

What we did

  • A total of 131 latrines were built in Obira using WfK sanplats (two sanplats per latrine). During 2013 and 2014 a total of 44 latrines were built with ready-made sanplats purchased elsewhere.
  • Then between 2015 and 2017, 87 more were built using sanplats constructed in Obira following the training of some residents. This reduced the costs and allowed custom designs to be created which improved overall quality and fit for purpose.
  • Six people in the Iganga district were trained as Hand-washing (HW) Ambassadors (by the Uganda National Hand-washing Campaign) including the local WfK team and one resident of Obira.
  • HW training was then carried out in Obira village. Training was led by a Hand Washing Ambassador; allowing information to be delivered in local dialect and by a familiar community member.
  • Residents were encouraged to install a tippy tap near to their latrines enabling hand washing facilities.

What were the outcomes

  • Interviews with residents of Obira reported fewer incidents of sickness and diarrhoea and an improved rate of school attendance. Residents also reported fewer flies in the home after the installation of a latrine, and that new or improved latrines were easier to clean, safer for their children to use and more private.
  • At least 94% of those interviewed are now using latrines, so the Obira community has almost eliminated open defecation.
  • Handwashing culture was also reported to be implemented amongst the majority of households with the use of tippy taps positioned near to latrines. This is a credit to the Hand Washing Ambassadors promoting hygiene within the community.
  • 92% of households interviewed recalled a sanitation visit from the Authorities in last 6 months. The positives are two-fold; residents are familiar with the Authorities and vice versa, and an Authority presence may encourage residents to maintain good hygiene practices.