contaminated waterhole

“The villagers are so thankful for the protection of their water supply. In addition, the risk of drowning by children or adults in the dirty pond of water is no longer present.”
Village Headman, Kikenyi, Uganda

How you can help

Your sponsored events

If you can raise funds for Water for Kids through a sponsored event it is easy to create a page for on-line donations at and/or use our Sponsorship Form.

We can also give you leaflets and other information to give out to those who want to know more.

Sending Your Donations

Tell us about your donation so that we can send you a receipt and learn more about how it was raised. Please print the Fundraising Submission Form (pdf) and send the completed form, with your cheque to our Treasurer. For larger amounts it would be great if you could also send us a Gift Aid form Gift Aid Form (pdf) completed by the individual donor, so we can claim back 28p per £1

Learning about Water for Kids

One of the best ways to learn about our work is through our talks and presentations. If you would like us visit your workplace, community or faith group, please contact us to arrange a date.

Water for Kids could not keep going without the support it gets from individuals and organisations, many thanks to you all.

What would you like to do?

Kilimanjaro treckers

Kilimanjaro Trekkers for Water for Kids

Shameet Thakkar and team from Leicester chose to raise funds for Water for Kids as part of their adventure; climbing to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. They raised over £10,000 which is fantastic! This was enough to install a borehole and provide safe water to the Bukonko community of over 870 people.

Hilary Benn

Celebrating 20 Years with an event at the House of Commons

Water for Kids was first established in December 1996 and to celebrate this landmark anniversary, Matthew Pennycook MP for Greenwich and Woolwich hosted an event on the 1st December at the House of Commons. It was great to get recognition for the difference that safe drinking water has made to the communities that we've worked with over the past 20 years and how important it is to continue the work. Thank you to everyone who made the event such a great success.

Take Part!
Corporate Supporters
water hygiene
Making a donation or leaving a legacy
water tanks and solar panels
How the money is spent