Highlights from Past Projects

2005-2007 | 2008-2010 | 2010-2012 | 2012-2014 | 2014-2015

Fumbelo water kiosk

Fumbelo, peri-urban area on edge of Lusaka.

What Water for Kids has achieved
Over 15,000 people now have access to safe water. Previously they used contaminated water from shallow wells or walked 2km for safe water.

How we achieved it
We drilled a borehole and built a water tower and kiosk where people can collect water for a minimal fee.

This project was managed by our partners The Zambia Institute of Environmental Heath.

Chipapa safe water

Chipapa, a rural area 35km from Lusaka.

What Water for Kids has achieved
Over 7,000 people and a clinic, school and market now have access to safe water. Wash-hand basins are in the clinic rooms and women giving birth have access to a WC and shower. 150 families have durable latrines. 270 school kids have safe water and wash stands.

How we achieved it
We refurbished and lined two boreholes, built a water tower and distributed water to a clinic, a school, a market and 7 villages. Provided wash basins in the clinic and a shower and WC in its maternity room. Distributed sanplats to 150 families for latrines and built wash stands at the school. Health education training for the water committee and school kids.

This project was managed by our partners The Zambia Institute of Environmental Heath.

Ugandan hospital

Uganda 2008-2010

The 2008 Field Trip in collaboration with Daventry Friends of Iganga (DFoI) and the local District Health Services, provided safe water for the first time to three rural communities. Highlights were protecting a village spring serving a large village of up to 1000 people, including many children, 20km south of Iganga and helping work on a new health centre for a large village comprising up to 8,000 people.
Read the full report (pdf)

On the 2009 Field Trip four more water sources were protected to provide safe water to communities, one of which has a population of approximately 2000. We also started a new Water Harvesting project at Naigobya Water and completed the Namunsaala Clinic Water Harvesting Project and fitted basins to wards and improved the lab at Iganga Muslim Clinic. We also tried out new water sampling kits.
Read the full report (pdf)

Kamaila village
2005 - 2007
Fumbelo water kiosk
2008 - 2010
Madimba boys
2010 - 2012
Mukunkiki latrine
2012 - 2014
Kalukundwe pump repair
2014 - 2015
Gin No 186
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