Thank you Muzimiro Bidondole

In 2003 as part of the Commonwealth Fellow scheme operated by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, the first EH professional from Iganga in Uganda visited the UK.  Muz visited various local authorities in England, but he stayed in the East Midlands and formed a link with Peter Minhinnett who was involved with Water for Kids.There was already a twinning arrangement with Iganga and an East Midlands authority.

On his return to Uganda Muz began to work to identify need for water and health education in and around Iganga, and so a partnership began. Muz was and is the lynchpin for the work WfK has carried out in the district for over 20 years and many communities and thousands of people have benefitted. He has been instrumental in establishing a small team to work with WfK and ensure sustainability, in addition to carrying on his work in a busy local authority.

We wanted to celebrate his wonderful contribution, and on a recent visit trustees Barbara Lucas and Tom Jackson presented Muz with a plaque – to his great surprise and pleasure.