Wasimba and Hands of Hope School

Wasimba Uganda

During 2023/24 the Uganda team delivered a large holistic project which helped the community in Wasimba make changes to the health of the village and improve educational facilities. A borehole was provided for use by the school and the community. Handwashing training was carried out including how to build and use tip taps, a low … Read more

Soap Making

Soap making

A keypart of the work of WfK is health education, and helping people make the link between improved hygiene and reducing disease. Following the COVID pandemic costs have risen in Uganda, as elsewhere, and it has become apparent that the cost of soap had risen greatly. This threatens to undermine efforts to encourage handwashing. We … Read more

Hari Shukla raises £2500 for Water for Kids

Hari Shukla

Hari Shukla raised £2,500 for Water for Kids to celebrate his 90th birthday. Thank you so much Hari! This is enough to help bring safe water to two communities in Uganda. Hari says “Water for Kids is a charity close to my heart, providing clean water to communities in Uganda, which is where I was born and spent many … Read more

Thank you Muzimiro Bidondole

Muzimiro Bidondole

In 2003 as part of the Commonwealth Fellow scheme operated by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, the first EH professional from Iganga in Uganda visited the UK.  Muz visited various local authorities in England, but he stayed in the East Midlands and formed a link with Peter Minhinnett who was involved with Water for … Read more

Uganda projects

Nakavumbi, Uganda

Trustees aim to visit the team in Uganda regularly to assess work, scope futureprojects, and encourage the team. A visit was made in February 2020, and then travel within Uganda was restricted due to the pandemic. The team carried on with work where allowed during the restrictions, clean water being even more essential, and contact … Read more

Uganda Update

Uganda wfk project

After the successful completion of two large holistic community projects in Busera and Nakivumbi the local team revisited the projects to carry out an in- depth evaluation. This has shown vast improvements in the health and wellbeing of both communities and increased school attendance of mature girls due to new washrooms. The team have also … Read more

The Randal Charitable Foundation Donation

A huge thank you to The Randal Charitable Foundation for donating £19,300 to fund the The Nakavumbi Community Holistic Safe Water Project.  Nakavumbi is located in rural Iganga District, Uganda.  It has a population of 1007 people and a school of 500 pupils.  This community is vulnerable to diseases; without access to safe water and sanitation villagers are … Read more

Uganda Projects

Suuna Uganda

Since May this year we have completed spring protections in the communities of Meeru, (funded by Harmony), Mwingunda, Wainha and Suuna (see above before and after photos).  As well as this, we also have three springs in progress at Bukyega, Kyondo and Wairama.  The Busera Holistic Project is continuing and near completion as restrictions allow and, … Read more