Our new Trustee Elaine Rudman

Introducing our new Trustee Elaine Rudman.  Elaine has spent her working life in local government and currently manages a regulatory services department in NE England. In 2018, Elaine assisted a Water for Kids project in Kenya, funded by colleagues at her Department. Seeing first hand the challenges faced by such communities and the life changing impact of direct … Read more

The Randal Charitable Foundation Donation

A huge thank you to The Randal Charitable Foundation for donating £19,300 to fund the The Nakavumbi Community Holistic Safe Water Project.  Nakavumbi is located in rural Iganga District, Uganda.  It has a population of 1007 people and a school of 500 pupils.  This community is vulnerable to diseases; without access to safe water and sanitation villagers are … Read more

Jean-Louis Button raises £3000

Jean-Louis Button water for kids

Jean-Louis Button has completed his mammoth ride of the British Isles coastline – just some 10,000kms around some very testing terrain!  Jean-Louis has also exceeded his target fundraising total – and it is still coming in raising £3000 for his chosen 3 charities of which we are lucky enough to be one. Just amazing!  Thank … Read more

Uganda Projects

Suuna Uganda

Since May this year we have completed spring protections in the communities of Meeru, (funded by Harmony), Mwingunda, Wainha and Suuna (see above before and after photos).  As well as this, we also have three springs in progress at Bukyega, Kyondo and Wairama.  The Busera Holistic Project is continuing and near completion as restrictions allow and, … Read more

Mwanjabantu, Zambia final phase complete

Mwanjabantu Zambia

For the past 3 years Water for Kids have been working in the remote region of Mwanjabantu, Zambia, near the border with Mozambique.  During this time, we have drilled 11 boreholes in some of the most water challenged communities and trained hygiene promoters, water committees and pump menders in all of the communities to ensure … Read more