Zambia | Training Water Committees

February 2017

In February nine Water Committees were trained in Western Province, Zambia. They are looking after boreholes and water pumps recently provided or repaired by Water for Kids in Mukunkiki and Namasheshe.

Kennedy Mulele (Project Manager on behalf of our partner, the Zambian Institute of Environmental Health) said that the Water Committees “have a huge responsibility at community level to spearhead proper hygiene at water points and promote acceptable sanitation in the community. The committee also raises funds for maintenance and repair of the water point… the committee is mandated to diagnose faults and carry out repairs.”
This photo shows how the Koona Water Committee has protected their water point from contamination by animals. The Water Committees are meeting regularly and most of them have already collected water fees and have funds in place for future repairs.

On Water for Kids field trips, we see too many broken down water pumps. These Water Committees will ensure their water supply is maintained for years to come.