9 water springs protected providing safe water to over 10,000 people!

Due to Covid, the past year has been very difficult and the work has reduced.  However, we have continued when possible and the team has managed to protect 9 water springs providing safe water to over 10,000 people!  As well as this, we have also renovated Buniantole primary school latrines and constructed a mature girl’s wash room providing better hygiene to over 500 children and teachers.

Thanks to the Big Give Christmas Campaign we are thrilled to announce that we have successfully started the Busera Community Holistic Project having already installed the borehole and pump (as pictured above) so the community has water to start the construction work and clean safe water for their daily lives, saving a daily walk of over 1 mile each way.  Now the team are working on improving sanitary facilities in every home, renovating school latrines and installing a mature girls washroom alongside hand washing training to the school and community.  We have also transferred funds to start protecting another six springs over the next few months.