Supporters raise over £3,300

Well done Sidhrah for completing the Budapest Marathon in October and raising over £1400 for Water for Kids.
“Signing up for a marathon I had no idea how tough it was going to be…the countless hours of training, the 6.30am weekend runs so I could run, this was the toughest thing I’ve ever done – but in the back of my mind was always the fact that it’s for a good cause. We’re so blessed with so much, the fact that we can even fly to another country to do a marathon, whilst there are children who don’t have access to safe water, seems so wrong. This charity is a great cause, and I know the money raised will go towards helping more children get access to safe water.”

Also congratulations to Environmental Health officers, Mary and Rose, who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and raised £1900 for WfK. What a fantastic achievement.

Feeling inspired? Visit our fundraising pages and get involved.